Tickets are now on sale for the Sowers of the Kingdom 4th annual Oyster Roast and Square Dance on Feb. 18th from 12:00 – 4:30 PM.
The cost is: $25 for 12 and over, $10 for ages 5-12 and kids under 5 are free!
Ticket price includes Oysters, Chili, Hot Dogs, Chips and Popcorn. See John Kinney between the services or the church office during the week. All proceeds will benefit our mission work in the Dominican Republic.
- Third Midweek Service in Advent Wednesday, December 14, Noon and 7 p.m.
- Fourth Midweek Service in Advent Wednesday, December 21, Noon and 7 p.m.
- Christmas Eve Saturday, December 24 at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
- Christmas Day Sunday, December 25 at 10 a.m. – No other services or classes on Christmas Day
- Service for the Feast of the Holy Innocents Wednesday, December 28, 7 p.m.
Donate blood at Grace Lutheran Church on Sunday, July 31. More info here.
JUNE 27TH – JULY 1ST, 2022 6:00PM – 8:30PM
Join us for Camp Discovery Vacation Bible School
“Camp Discovery,” shows kids that they can depend on Jesus as He saves and works through them. Bible truths that point to Jesus, our “True North,” are explored so that kids can discover how He blesses us with courage and wisdom in our everyday journeys.
Over the course of the week, we will look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and explore five Bible accounts with snacks, crafts, and games to show how Jesus leads the way in our lives.
Don’t miss out on the fun! You can register using this form or at our church. If you have any questions, you may call 843-871-5444 or reach out via email to [email protected].
Sonrise service – 7 a.m.
Regular service – 9:30 a.m. (Our adult choir and our children’s handbell choir perform)
Regular service – 11 a.m. (Adult choir)
Grace’s pastoral staff and evangelism committee encourage you to tune in to a free
webinar, “Recovering Our First Love for Evangelism” on Wed., Jan. 19 at 2 PM. Register
for this webinar to learn what happened to Missouri Synod Evangelism and how we can
reclaim our first love for sharing the Gospel at
Grace’s Angel Tree is up in the Narthex! This year we will be sponsoring local children whose names and wishes have been provided by the Dorchester Children’s Advocacy Center. Grace will be providing gifts for 35 children. Find out how you can help bring joy to a child during this holiday season. |
A Mission Partnership
Sowers of the Kingdom and Grace Lutheran Church
For the past 5 years Grace Lutheran Church has been working closely with Sowers of the Kingdom, providing support to those in need in the Dominican Republic. Grace has sent members of the church to the DR for short-term mission trips, supported students through the school sponsorship program “Lidia’s Kids,” and has generously answered the call for financial assistance for food, raincoats, school supplies and medicine. We are happy to be able to report on the progress we’ve made through our partnership.