Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.
About Our Youth Ministry
At Grace, we provide our Youth with opportunities to learn God’s word, connect with our community of believers, and have fun at the same time! It is our hope that your child can join our happy group of friends to learn and grow in Christian faith and fellowship.
Sunday School
Our dedicated teachers go out of their way every Sunday to show the children the love of Jesus and teach them the Bible stories and basic Christian principals. Our Sunday School classes are tailored to each child’s age so that everyone learns according to their grade level. The kids are great friends and learn and play together. All this and snacks too make Sunday morning a great morning!
Sunday School Times:
Every Sunday morning at 9:30am
Ages: Preschoolers through teens
This Sunday the children will be continuing with the lesson “A Trusting Widow: Jesus Teaches about Offerings” from Mark 12:41-44
Youth Events
Whether we are decorating gingerbread houses, cheering on the South Carolina Stingrays, or navigating through a corn maze, the Youth are always growing in community and friendship. The Youth are a tight group of friends and would love to include your child in our fellowship. Our Youth program provides many fun activities throughout the year.
Our fellowship activities include:
- Game days
- Charitable giving
- Trips to theme parks
- Bowling
- Shoebox gifts
- Lock-in events
- …and more!

Confirmation Classes
Confirmation classes are a time of instruction in which Grace youth learn about the confession, life, and mission of the Lutheran Church. Through classes in which parents and confirmands study together, youth are built up in faith as they learn what it means to be a lifelong disciple of Jesus and how His Word informs their daily life.
Vacation Bible School
For one week each summer, the children of Grace and the community are invited to dance, sing, do crafts, play games, and learn Bible stories in fun and adventurous ways! For more information and to sign up, please visit our VBS page by clicking here.

LCMS National Youth Gathering
Teenagers at Grace are given the opportunity to attend the LCMS Youth Gathering in order to come together as a community of God’s people to be encouraged in their walk with Jesus Christ and learn about the Christian faith and their Lutheran identity. This is always a long-anticipated and exciting event!