Reformation Luncheon
Brats, Beer, other beverages will be served and we will have lots of fun crafts and activities for the kids. Please sign up in the Narthex to bring a side dish and remember to dress like Martin Luther or his wife Katharina!
Brats, Beer, other beverages will be served and we will have lots of fun crafts and activities for the kids. Please sign up in the Narthex to bring a side dish and remember to dress like Martin Luther or his wife Katharina!
We will meet at Wannamaker Park in North Charleston. Come out for a day of food, fun, prizes, and more. Grace is sponsoring the T-shirt Tent, and we want to have a large team to walk together and help raise funds for LIFE! Check out the table in the narthex or go to to […]
Sunday School classes will be held at 9:30 AM in Grace Hall.
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