At Grace We Believe, Connect, Grow, Worship and Serve
Learn how you can be involved below!

- Sundays, 9:15 AM Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes in Grace Hall
- Tuesdays, 10 AM Crafts in Grace Hall
- Fridays, 11 AM Bible Study in Grace Hall
Join us also for:
- Two book clubs
- Hand and foot canasta
- Young at Heart
- And bunco
For current dates, times, and places, go to our calendar, the monthly newsletter or our recent announcements.

- Sunday School: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Classes for preschoolers through teens
- Adult Bible Class: Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
- New member class: Times and dates as needed. Led by Pastor and several elders. See Pastor about joining.
- Life Lite Studies: Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. Led by Pastor.
- Confirmation Class: For seventh and eighth graders, led by Pastor
- Friday Bible Study: Friday mornings at 11 a.m.
Classes for preschoolers through teens

- Sundays, 8, 9:30 & 11 AM Worship
- Holy Communion at all services
- 7:00 PM Thanksgiving Eve Holy Communion
- 7:00 PM Advent Services, Wednesdays in Advent
- 5:00 PM Family Candlelight Christmas Eve Service
- 7:00 PM Candlelight Christmas Eve Holy Communion
- 9:00 AM Christmas Day Service
- 5:30 PM Lenten Meals each Wednesday in Lent
- 7:00 PM Lent Services each Wednesday in Lent
- 5:30 PM Maundy Thursday Christian Seder
- 7:00 PM Good Friday Tenebrae Service
- 7:00 AM Easter Sunrise Service
- 8:00 AM Easter Breakfast
- 9:30 AM Family Easter Holy Communion
- 11:00 AM Easter Festival Holy Communion
Worship Style
We use the current hymnal of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, adapting the liturgies to focus on a given day’s emphasis and employing a wide range of musical styles, thanks to a large music program.
Music Ministry
Patty Barnes, our Music Director, conducts the Senior Choir, which sings about once a month. The choir rehearses Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m., during the school year.
Susan Messersmith conducts the Junior Choir, which sings on special occasions. The choir rehearses during part of the Education Hour Sunday mornings as needed.
Several vocal and instrumental soloists share their talents.
Susan Messersmith conducts the Junior Choir, which sings on special occasions. The choir rehearses during part of the Education Hour Sunday mornings as needed.
Several vocal and instrumental soloists share their talents.

A few of our ongoing projects:
- Operation Christmas Child:
Each year we collect items for this project. You have two ways to participate. One is to fill and wrap a box on your own and bring it to church to be dedicated. The other way is to bring items for our youth to wrap and box up. This activity is scheduled for some time in November. A list of items that can be placed in shoeboxes is available each fall. Thank you in advance for your support.
- Eagle Harbor Birthday Cakes:
A monthly project to let the children know that there are people in the community who care about them.
- 'Support Our Troops' Project:
Please take one of the 'Needed Items' lists from the table in the narthex. The boxes are always appreciated by the troops when they are received! Let’s show that we support and pray for them daily!
- Habitat for Humanity Builds:
Watch for news when the next build day will arrive. Then come and join us for a day of caring.
- Mission Trips:
To the Dominican Republic. A cooperative effort with other churches and medical personnel. Contact person: Office Manager Ellen Pearson.
Each year we collect items for this project. You have two ways to participate. One is to fill and wrap a box on your own and bring it to church to be dedicated. The other way is to bring items for our youth to wrap and box up. This activity is scheduled for some time in November. A list of items that can be placed in shoeboxes is available each fall. Thank you in advance for your support.
A monthly project to let the children know that there are people in the community who care about them.
Please take one of the 'Needed Items' lists from the table in the narthex. The boxes are always appreciated by the troops when they are received! Let’s show that we support and pray for them daily!
Watch for news when the next build day will arrive. Then come and join us for a day of caring.
To the Dominican Republic. A cooperative effort with other churches and medical personnel. Contact person: Office Manager Ellen Pearson.